Hey — I’m Millie 👋🏼

Welcome to Her Second Brain. With an overwhelming amount of content out there, I started this newsletter to help navigate it only more mindfully. Each week, I share curated insights that spark curiosity, bring joy, and uplift your online experience—making your scroll worth it.

A bit about me… 

I’m a mid-20s mother of two living in Las Vegas, Nevada. My days are a whirlwind of parenting, laundry, and home-cooked meals. In between the chaos, I often head to a coffee shop where I enjoy my favorite form of self-care: crafting thoughtful content for this newsletter.

So, what’s Her Second Brain all about?

Her Second Brain is a space where mindful living meets digital curation. It’s my weekly reflection on the things that resonate most with me. Think of it as a digital commonplace book where I share the best and most meaningful finds from the internet.

Who is it for?

This newsletter is for you if:

  • You love exploring the internet but prefer to sift through the noise for valuable content

  • You’re into hacks and optimizing your daily routines

  • You aim to be mindful about what you read, watch, and listen to

  • You find joy in the little things

Join our growing community of 100+ readers who receive a weekly blend of curated internet gems and thoughtful reflections—delivered straight to your inbox every Wednesday.

Subscribe to Her Second Brain

Wholesome insights that make your scroll worth it—for those who enjoy a thoughtful, intentional online experience.


Las Vegas livin' mom of two with a creative outlet, fueled by lots of coffee and a love for simple joys.