Aug 7Liked by Millie Radel

I try to do a load everyday too! It’s helps so much! — also, I agree. library books really do end up anywhere! 🙃🙃

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those books always seem to be in the most random places too lol 😵‍💫

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All of these are so good! Every time I fill up my gas I have to throw the trash away!!

One thing I do to help me drink water right in the morning is to leave a full glass on my bedside table so it’s right there first thing when I wake up!

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love that tip <3 I need to do that!! especially after a full night of going without water

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Aug 8Liked by Millie Radel

I'll see you at the grocery pickup spot on Sundays lol!! 🙋‍♀️ I have been trying to simplify routines and other things like this too, love the idea of calling it an automation. That sounds more helpful than chore-like!

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I’m so happy you loved it! Sometimes just changing how we talk about things and how we think about them can make everything better 🥰

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Aug 8Liked by Millie Radel

LOVED this read! Thanks for the inspo. Gonna go do a load of laundry and start cleaning my car whenever I get gas. :)

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Thank you for taking the time to read, Zoe! 🫶🏼

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Love these tips!!! On the subject of laundry... Growing up, it felt like my mom was always doing laundry and I just did not understand why... Like, was she washing one item at time?! Fast forward 20ish years and I get it. There is just always so much laundry!! Between workout clothes, the clothes we wore to work, lounge clothes, pajamas, towels, dish towels, etc etc it literally never ends!! And it's just my husband and me, can't imagine how much there will be when we add kids into the mix.

(Side note, I had no idea I felt so passionately about laundry until this moment lol.)

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hahaha I'm so glad you found this to be a safe space to share your thoughts on laundry ♥️ trust me, I totally get it. One day I'll be totally caught up, and then next thing you know I look in the hamper and there's a crap ton of clothes! I swear I just did the laundry lol

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Millie, are we the same person? You are speaking my language. Now, I just need to find time to work out again... (Also, can we talk about the beautiful font, please??)

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Honestly, I think I've found my people - and you're definitely one of them 🫶🏼 it took me forever to get back into working out. All in good time, friend!

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Same to you! Thank you, substack algorithm 🫶🏻

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