Love all of these ideas, Millie. I personally limit screen time before bed and also on the weekends. I'm making a concerted effort to get off my phone in front of my kids too. They're already addicted to their iPads and it's up to me to set a good example for our family.

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I'm the same way. I really try to make a conscious effort to set a good example for my family. Am I perfect at it? Not at all. But I'm more aware of it now than ever, and I believe it's a good step in the right direction. Thanks for reading, Kuleigh! ☺️

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So many practical ideas! Social media use is something I've realized requires consistent recalibration, that awareness has made me feel less guilty when things are off-kilter and serves as a great reminder that it's a maintenance issue. I've been using Opal and have set strict restrictions for social media use, my only window where it's available on my phone is 12-2pm each day and most days I just forget about it and the window passes by. I access things here and there on my computer which feels like a much more deliberate practice and requires intention which I find valuable towards how I'm managing my online life. Thank you for sharing all these great ideas and being vulnerable.

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Brittany, that is solid advice. I've come to the same realization that social media needs constant adjustment, which helps me see it's not all or nothing. I will definitely have to check out Opal. I also agree with using my computer for social media. We've gotten so used to mindlessly picking up our phones and going straight to these apps. And I want to change that. For me, the ultimate goal is to be more *intentional* with my social media use.

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These are such great ideas!! I love the scroll patrol one and I do this actually quite frequently!

Side note: I love your hand writing 😍

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Yess I love that!! Thank you so much, Leanna 🥰

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Love all of these ideas! I try to be good about getting off my phone at least an hour before bed, but some days are better than others. Also, I loveee the "scroll patrol" tip! I am the queen of muting/unfollowing people these days lol!

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Dealing with social media is definitely a journey. Some days, I'm great at setting boundaries, while other days they go right out the window 🙃 buuut if my feed is filled with people and things I enjoy, I don't feel as bad(ish) lol!

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Love scroll patrol and dump and go. I definitely need boundaries with my social media time, too (as I type this at 11pm 🙃). Also - handwriting goals!

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Thanks, Courtney! ☺️ haha 11pm sounds about right for me as well

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Jul 25Liked by Millie Radel

Very solid tips! I feel like my post today touches lightly on this / overlaps slightly with a brief thought on “likes” being such a thingggg.

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Loved your piece, Kristen! Subscribed ✅

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Jul 26Liked by Millie Radel

oh thank you so much Millie! Back atcha!!

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Jul 29Liked by Millie Radel

Need to follow these tips 🥹 off topic: the pen is so cute 🙂‍↔️

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Appreciate it sis! 🥰

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This post is very insightful, I am currently on week two of my social media detox/vacation. I think when I inevitably go back to it, I will most definitely be implementing your recommendations. Thank you!

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Oo I've never seen it put as a "social media vacation" before - love that. Thanks for taking the time to read, Marco. I wish you the best in applying these simple strategies!

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This is SO needed 💖

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Thank you so much for reading!! 🥹

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