Love the idea of a no power hour, thank you for that!

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Glad you liked it!

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May 9Liked by Millie Radel

Love this new format. Keep them coming :)

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Thanks for reading, Katharina! 🤗

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I think I’m gonna try out the no phone for 60 minutes this week! Such a great idea!

Good luck on the hot summer ahead. I spent last summer in Arizona and it was brutal 🥵 I’m from the Midwest so I wasn’t used to that at all.

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Let me know how it goes! And I hear Arizona heat is no joke either. Wishing you a better cooler summer this year wherever you are :)

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May 10Liked by Millie Radel

I'm not sure how I didn't see this until now. Thank you for including me, Millie!! It truly means the world to me that something I wrote and hesitated publishing for so long resonated with you.

Also, I'm right there with you on the no devices. I set a limit on social media and I hit it quickly daily. So I'm trying my best to bring my attention back to reading and coloring to practice my attention span. I find myself a lot of scrolling is so mindless.

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I'm glad my appreciation reached you as it's genuinely from the heart. Your writing struck a chord with me, and I couldn't help but share that sentiment.

And it's great to hear you're also taking steps to disconnect from screens. Here's to more meaningful moments offline xx

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Was so happy to stumble upon your newsletter! And I love this format. :)

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Aww that means the world. Thank you, Kathryn! Happy to have you :)

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Good things are always good to share ❤️Dropping by to share some love ❤️ https://makepurethyheart.substack.com/p/the-most-important-practice-you-should-f8d

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It was a wonderful read. Thank you for dropping in! 💌

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